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Hello! welcome to my online home!

This is the little of slice of internet paradise for everything related to my life.

Oh, the vanity of blogging. ;)

Saturday, May 8, 2010, 11:07 PM


I'm moving! Probably.


it's like twitter. but you can actually see the pictures in the post. *gasp* I know, right?!


lol. Anywho. It's an even lazier way to blog, so I'm there.

Ciao! xx

Thursday, April 29, 2010, 10:37 PM


Sometimes all you need is a little music to cheer you up.

It's disappointing when you realise how much people DON'T know you, or how you feel, or what hurts.

Or maybe they just don't care. =D

It's times like this when I remember why I love being a hermit so much.



Sunday, April 11, 2010, 4:22 PM


Uni tomorrow, and about 60 pages of readings to do before then.

Where did this break go? =[

Procrastination really does not pay.

(And neither does eBay.)


Friday, April 9, 2010, 8:36 PM


On Wednesday night, Roger and I went to the Lady Gaga concert. We got to the city in the afternoon, had lunch at Market City, and then wandered to the Sydney Entertainment Centre to see if anyone had started lining up yet. They had. Mind you, this was at around 4pm and the concert wasn't supposed to start until 7:30. -_-

So....we lined up too. =D It's actually a pretty good thing we did, because we ended up being in like, the second row from the barrier. Yay! I reckon we could've had a barrier spot if the organisation wasn't so horrid. The dude was like 'line up' and we had. and we were all nice and organised. and then BAM! 'oh hay, I'm like, gunna open the door now, so...screw the nice neat lines you've made and all barge to the door. kthxbai'. Fail.

Speaking of fail...The opening act was SO BAD! Omg I wanted to rip my ears off. And, and, the lead singer guy changed his pants....ON STAGE. Although I suppose that isn't so bad since it didn't even look like he was wearing pants to begin with. But really, it was worth missing. And a lot of the people who had bought seated tickets actually didn't turn up until 9pm. Smart, smart people. They must've read online reviews...

See...it looks like he's not wearing pants!

That's how empty it was. -_-

After the opening act finished, (they only played for half an hour, thankfully) we actually had to wait about an hour for lady gaga to come on. They were playing MJ songs while we were waiting, and after every song finished people would cheer because they thought she was finally going to come on. Thinking back, it's pretty funny. But being there, not so much. Especially after our ears had been destroyed by Semi Precious Weapons, which is the opening act I was referring to.

But, when she finally came on, it was all worth it. She is seriously amazing live, and I'm so happy I got to go to the concert. =D I took heaps of pictures too. I got some pretty good ones since we were pretty close and all. You'll get to see some of her crazy costumes. =P I had a 'costume' change of my own actually. I plonked on some heels for the concert. Because, you know, I'm a shrimp. And that was all well and good UNTIL MY TOES BECAME NUMB. omg, the levels of pain were epic. and everytime I moved my feet it was like death. So Roger had to hold onto me while I pried my shoes off and put my flats on. All while standing up mind you. Do you know how hard that is?! Anywho, it gives me a new appreciation for platform shoes, because these were just ordinary heels, and my toes will probably never forgive me.

Anyway, photo time!

Her man posse was pretty funny. At one point they were only wearing underwear and thrusting at us. LOL.

Her crazy gandalf stick.

During the song 'speechless' I think. The piano was on fire as well, but I couldn't get a good pic of it. It was pretty awesome because she stopped singing at one point and the crowd sang. Love it when that happens. =D

EPIC-est costume EVER. It was moving and everything!

The awesome fish krakken thing. XD

Finito. =D

And just in case you were wondering, yes, there were some people who dressed crazy. =P What with the cans in their hair, danger tape wrapped around them, a dude dressed like a unicorn, and a girl wearing a leotard.

Also, I have done nothing uni related so far in my break.




Friday, April 2, 2010, 7:19 PM
Kick Ass.


On Wednesday night, Roger surprised me with an early screening of Kick Ass. We didn't manage to get a nice dinner or else we would've been late, so we grabbed some maccas and headed to the cinema, only to be told that we weren't allowed to take the maccas in. GAAAARH! So roger basically had to rush eat and we ended up chucking out half our food so that we could get in and get a decent seat. lol

We did though. and the movie was AWESOME. I think it helped that the atmosphere was great too. I guess that's what happens when there's a packed cinema and everyone had gotten their tickets for free. lmao. It wasn't as crazy as the early screening of The Dark Knight, but that's because the hype wasn't so huge. This was more fuss free though, which was pretty nice. Although we still had to hand over our phones and any recording devices. Gotta love them pirates, eh? =P arrrrr.

Anywho, it was a really nice night and once again, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful boif. =D


Yesterday I went to Macquarie Uni with Von and Sarah for the uni's Easter party. We also got to meet a couple of Sarah's friends which was nice too. We just ended up chatting and playing pool [which Von won =P] and...Von had her first full drink. Success! loll, I also learnt that you have to be crazy aggressive when buying drinks [which I am definitely NOT], and that when there are parties with themes, 'the slut rule' seems to apply regardless of whether or not it's halloween. Mind you, I was plenty comfortable in my jeans and long sleeved top, so I have to say, I didn't care too much that I wasn't dressed up. XD

I'm seeing Sarah and Von again tomorrow, as well as Lauren! YAY!

Anyway, I hope you guys all have a wonderful Easter.


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 6:25 PM
Squeaky Clean


I decided to pimp out my blog to inspire me to hop back on the blogging bandwagon.

I haven't been up to too much these days. Just the usual routine of going to uni, sleeping at ridiculously late hours, hardcore gaming on my DS, struggling through my readings, and hopping on the interwebs to not be a complete social hermit. =P

One of my units this semester is pretty interesting though. the reading this week was talking about why we envy people and all that. It says that no matter how much we have, how wealthy we feel will always be dependent on how we compare ourselves to those in our reference group. So, for instance, even though we may not care how rich Paris Hilton is or something, if someone we knew in high school were to become amazingly successful, we'd be envious. They also had a formula for self esteem:

self esteem = success/expectations

So, because we live in a society where we're bombarded with messages saying if we work hard enough we can achieve anything, we've come to expect more, and because rarely anyone would be able to buy or achieve everything they wanted, our self esteem is sucking and we're unhappier. Which is so damn true!

And this is also why I'm going to try and be happy with everything I have.

Which is REALLY going to contradict what I'm about to say now. lmao.

I've been watching this mustard blazer on eBay since...about a month or two ago. [yeah, it's been awhile.] But I'm not sure if I should buy it. It's about 26 bucks including postage. Although I'm probably going to make an offer and see if I can't get it a lot cheaper. It's been sitting there on eBay for awhile so I'm hoping for the best. =D Have a look!

...I just like mustard for some reason. funnily enough though, not the food product. lol

Sooo, what do you think?

Also, I have a dinner date with Roger tomorrow. YAY. We're usually doing more laid back stuff when we're out and about, so I tend to get a bit over excited when we do something fancy. =P And I always love the opportunity to dress up a bit. =D


I'm off to grab myself a zooper dooper. I am such a kid, but I can't help that they're so darn DELICIOUS!

Talk in awhile crocodiles!

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Saturday, March 6, 2010, 7:27 PM
My words were cold and flat, and you deserve more than that.



it's hard for me to muster up the energy to be a good friend.

I've been blogging a lot lately. More to myself, because I haven't been publishing anything. I think I should probably move to a private blog.

We'll see.
